BMAB logo 02Ve dnech 12.-13.9. 2015 se bude v Praze konat turnaj Backgammon Master Series (BMS). Hráčům budou na základě jejich PR (performance rating) uděleny tituly. Turnaj je součástí iniciativy Backgammon Masters Awarding Body (BMAB), více zde:

V případě zájmu o účast v turnaji je nutné:

1. uhradit zálohu ve výši vkladu (100 EUR)

2. mít vlastní nahrávací zařízení + notebook

3. vlastnit eXtreme Gammon 2

4. po skončení turnaje zanalyzovat ve stanoveném čase určený počet zápasů a tyto mi zaslat

Pokud byste měli zájem či dotaz, kontaktujte mne na Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.

Propozice turnaje:

Backgammon Masters Series (CZ) — Ranking Tournament, September 2015, Praha

Venue: Praha, Hostinec U Vodoucha, Jagellonská 21
Date: 12-13 September 2015

The format of the tournament: 10 players round-robin each player plays 9 rounds of 9 point matches.

All matches will be played in accordance with the current version of the BMS tournament rules, including the requirement for game clocks, which will be set at 18 minutes bank time and 12 seconds delay for each match. Moreover, all matches played will be recorded and subsequently transcribed to electronic match files which will then be analysed by the current version of eXtremeGammon.

Players will be provided with standardised BMS tournament score cards which will inform each player who they must play in which particular round and on what specific table. Players are required to follow strictly the sequence and table positions specified on the tournament score cards. This is particularly important in enabling proper control of the match recording process.

Requirment: for each 2 players is needed 1 recording device + laptop, players supply themselves.

The tournament will start at 12.00 on the first day (after registration opens at 11.00), and re-start at 11:00 on the second day.

If you accept the invitation it is imperative that you commence and complete the tournament. Consequently you are required to give a 30 Euro deposit which will only be refunded where players complete the tournament and then complete the required transcription work.

At the end of the tournament, players will be provided with 4 or 5 match videos recorded which they will be required to transcribe within the next 7 days with match files subsequently sent to me by email. Players may use third parties to perform this function. Such a service is available at this tournament for the fee of 6 Euro for one 9 point match. The 30 Euro deposit will be retained until match files are returned but only within the 7 day cut-off date.

All match files from the tournament will become public domain material and the complete results of the tournament will subsequently be reported/ submitted to the Backgammon Masters Awarding Body (BMAB). Matches will be analysed using the current version of eXtremeGammon (XG) using the following settings:
Standard World Class Analysis but with “Gigantic” search interval, 15 x 8 bearoff database, and resignation errors counting.

At tournament registration, players will pay a 100 Euro Participation fee (+ 10 Euro surcharge to BMAB) and will be distributed as follows:
400 Euro Tournament Winner
300 Tournament Runner-Up
3rd 200
4th 100

Requirment: 100 EUR deposit paid through paypal or to bank account, returnable if attendence cancelled maximum 14 days before tournament, otherwise unreturnable

There will also be a side-pool: with 100 Euro entry

Sidepool: 100 Euro
1st: 60%
2nd: 40%

I hope all participants will enjoy the challenge of the tournament and its new format.